Company Vehicle Policy

Drivers of the Company Minibus

All drivers must comply with the following:

  • over 21 years old
  • hold a full UK driving licence for 2 years
  • Business insurance

The vehicles comply with road safety standards, breakdown/recovery insurance is in place and the minibus is checked weekly for water, oil and wear to tyres and seatbelts. The minibuses have 3 point seatbelts with height adjusters and booster seats are provided for the front seats.

Drivers are DBS checked and copies of their drivers licences are held at Head Office together with details of car insurance which are updated annually. All staff have a duty to inform us if any medical condition or change to their licence affects their ability to fulfil this duty.

Risk assessments are regularly undertaken for the collection, car journey and drop off of children and other users.

In rare cases members of staff may use their own personal vehicles to transport children to Clubland settings, school or outings, with the written permission of parents. In all cases they comply with our policy as stated above.