Fire Safety Policy

Fire Safety Procedure

A fire drill is completed a minimum each half term on various days and times during the session to ensure that the children and staff are familiar with the evacuation process. A mini report of the drill is written in a fire drill book to identify any areas of concern and identify how quickly the process took. In addition, we take this opportunity to discuss evacuation procedures, should the child experience a fire at home and how to response in such an emergency.

A copy of the fire procedures are located on the wall of the rooms used by the fire exits. The registration and insurance certificates are displayed on the Clubland notice board.

A fire risk assessment is carried out each year by the supervisor (fire marshal) but updated earlier if something arises during a fire drill or anything changes in the setting.

All staff are nominated as fire marshals and made aware of the fire procedure on their induction and are shown where the meeting point is and the areas that need to be checked and what needs to be done if they are inside, such as closing windows, turning off electrical appliances and gathering registration forms, registers and site phone.

The school nominate a fire officer and school arrange for the fire equipment to be inspected annually by the local fire department and certificates are maintained by the school Bursar. Details of when the fire equipment was checked can be found on each appliance.