Healthy Eating Policy

We promote healthy lifestyles by providing healthy and nutritious snacks and offering the children opportunity to partake in physical activity. We aim to only purchase wholemeal bread products and whole wheat cereals with no chocolate or added sugar unless found naturally in honey.

Good table manners are encouraged at snack times as the children sit down at a designated food table and eat together. The staff are able to assist in correct use of cutlery and etiquette.

We encourage children to use their water bottles and fresh drinking water is readily available to top up and they are encouraged to drink regularly. Milk and diluted orange juice are also available at the breakfast club where applicable.

In addition to a hot/cold snack offered to the children as soon as they arrive in the afternoon, a selection of fresh fruit and cracker/rice cake or biscuit is served at approx. 5pm which keeps them going until their supper.

We offer information on healthy lifestyles by providing activities and games based around the subject. Children are engaged in cookery activities and assist in planning the menu which provides us with the opportunity to discuss the benefits of healthy food options.

The supervisor and a number of playworkers are trained in Food Hygiene and hold a 12 hour Paediatric First Aid qualification, which are renewed every 3 years for best practice.

Special days

We encourage the children to try a variety of different food by incorporating cookery activities when celebrating different cultures and religions.

The children’s dietary, religious and medical requirements are always taken into account when preparing food.