Risk Assessment Policy

Clubland uses its risk assessment systems to ensure that the Club is a safe and secure place for children, staff and visitors. All staff are expected to undertake risk assessments as part of their routine tasks.

In line with current health and safety legislation and the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021), the Club will carry out regular risk assessments and take appopriate action to deal with any hazards or risks identified. It is the responsiblity of the Playscheme manager to ensure all risk assessments are conducted, monitored and acted upon.

Risk assessments will be carried out:

  • At least on an annual basis
  • updated whenever there is a change to equipment or resources
  • when there is a change to the Club's premises
  • when the particular need of a child necessitates this
  • when we take the children out on an outing, visit or have a visitor in to hold an activity with the children.

Not all risk assessments need to be written down, but the formal risk assessments include:

  • Indoor play area
  • Outdoor play area
  • Risky Play
  • Outings
  • Visitors to lead activities
  • Fire 
  • Security 
  • Food & Hygiene

If changes are required to the Club's policies and procedures as a result of the risk assessment,  The Health & Safety Office, Emily McCartney or a member of senior management team (SMT) will update the relevant documents and inform all staff and parents.

Risk Benefit Analysis

This type of risk assessment is carried out on ‘risky’ play, the purpose of which is to identify if the risks outweigh the benefits of the activity.

The factors to determine whether or not the level of risk is acceptable are:

  • The likelihood of coming to harm
  • The severity of harm
  • The benefits, rewards, or outcomes of the activity.

Fire Procedures & Risk Assessments

A fire drill is completed once every half term each month on various days and times during the session to ensure that the children and staff are familiar with the evacuation process. A mini report of the drill is written to identify any areas of concern and identify how quickly the process took.

A copy of the fire procedures, are located on the wall of the rooms used, together with the registration and insurance certificates which are displayed on the Clubland notice board.

A fire risk assessment is carried out each year by the Playscheme manager and the school caretaker is the fire warden on site.

Daily checks

Before the children arrive at the club each day, we will complete a daily environment check, carrying out a visual inspection of the equipment and whole premises (indoors and out). During the session staff continuously risk assess the setting, giving children support and encouragement to risk assess their own play and behaviour.

If a member of staff discovers a hazard during the course of a session, they will make the area safe (eg by cordoning it off) and then notify the Playscheme manager. The Playscheme manager will ensure that any actions needed to mitigate the immediate hazard have been taken and will implement measures to prevent the accident from occuring again.

Recording dangerous events

The playscheme manager or 1st Aider will record the Accident/Incident on magicbooking which will be shared with the parent/carer. Each term, the regional manager downloads a report of each club's accident/incidents which are reviewed with the relevant Playscheme manager to see whether any pattern to the occurances can be identified.

A copy of the risk assessment is available to view on each club's home page.