Blog / Latest News

Claygate Primary School News - Late Spring 2024

5th April 2024

Spring has sprung and the days are staying lighter for longer, which has definitely given us all something to smile about. The children have been busy sharing their thoughts, working as team and becoming young leaders. As we approach the last term in this academic year we look forward to the warmer days giving us opportunities to explore the outside more.  

Long Ditton Infant School News - Late Spring 2024

5th April 2024

To our Long Ditton Infant Families,

Welcome to our last newsletter of this extremely quick Spring term. I don't know where the last couple of month have gone, but we are all so happy to be having lighter mornings and lighter evenings. The excitement of what's to come definitely puts a spring in my step!

Cranmere News - Late Spring 2024

5th April 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am sure like us , a lot of you cannot believe that we have reached the end of Spring term and rapidly approaching the Summer term! Let's keep our fingers crossed for some warmer weather to accompany us for the rest of the Easter Break. With the promise of warmer days and blooming flowers, we're excited to share with you the latest updates, achievements, and upcoming events within club.

Holiday Club News - February Half Term 2024

22nd February 2024

Royal Kent School News - Early Spring 2024

14th February 2024


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